Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Me at the end

Well this is officially the last blog of the As I think about it, these four years have gone by so fast. I still remember the first day of high school, the stress and the excitement that I experienced that day was unbelievable. Now, high school has come to an end and college life is approaching. I feel as if these past four years have made me a stronger person and a stronger student. I now have the ability to stand up for myself, my ideas, and my opinions. I have formed friendships that will hopefully last a long time and the knowledge that I have gained from my peers will always be with me. I'm excited to move on in life, meet new people, and pursue my life goals but I will always hold the experiences from the last four years of my life close to my heart. High school is over and as sad as it is, we will create more memories and achieve our goals.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Letter to The Prospective Philosophy Student

Dear Prospective Philosophy Student,

You are very lucky to be in Mr.McCarthy's Philosophy class. It is a class that you will definitely learn a lot from but not through the traditional teaching methods that you have probably been exposed to during your years here at Whitney M. Young. This Philosophy class will get you thinking about real world issues that are present today and that have occurred in the past. Class discussions are a major part of this class and through them I discovered how much one can learn from listening to your peers ideas  instead of just reading the theories of philosophers. This class will not only be focused on just the classroom setting but Mr. McCarthy is really big on getting his students to go out into the world and explore and experience different cultures and new places and things. This is very beneficial because most students are hesitant to go into new neighborhoods and explore different cultures. Also, the movies that Mr. McCarthy chooses are absolutely amazing even though they are movies one would not typically choose to watch at home. The books are also great because they lead to discussions that tie in the plot of the book into real world situations and issues. Mr. McCarthy is a great teacher who has the ability to allow everyone to express their thoughts and opinions during class so I'm sure that you will enjoy his class and learn a lot from it. Just remember to stay on track with your blogs!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thoughts about Earlier Thinking

As I reflect on the last few years of my life, I begin to realize how much my way of viewing things is today compared to a few years ago. My thoughts have matured and the consequences of my actions are much more evident to me than ever before. When  I make decisions nowadays, I do not think about the consequences that will arise from it right away, instead I think about the consequences that will have a large impact on my life. Senior year has been a year full of important decision making that will have a large impact on the rest of my life. The relationships that I have formed with people have impacted my way of thinking and my outlook on life. Nowadays, I want to enjoy life more, seize every moment of every day because now that high school is coming to an end, it finally hit me that moments do not last forever and the only thing that we have from the past is our memories that should be cherished. I tend not to sulk over bad decisions like I used to, now I learn from my mistakes and take advantage of the lessons learned. The greatest change in my thinking so far in life has been not to be upset over losses or mistakes, but to grow from them and take them in as a learning experience that will mold my future self.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Surrounded by Cuckoos, but I was the crazy one

Cuckoo....? What exactly do people consider cuckoo nowadays? There are so many types of people in the world and everyone has a different opinion on exactly what normal is. So who exactly decides what types of people are cuckoo? In the movie 12 Monkeys, a psychiatrists admits that it is the art of psychology that decides what is right and what is wrong and who is cuckoo and who is normal. So, is it really up to psychology to decide who is normal or not? This may be so. In my opinion, culture has a  lot to do with what people consider cuckoo or normal. Characteristics that are considered the norm in some cultures may seem absolutely absurd to other cultures. There are so many different people in this world that the idea of being normal sounds a little absurd to me. With such a diverse world that contains massive amounts of types of behavior, it is hard to narrow it down to how people should act because well, everyone is different in their own way. There is of course a fine line between being yourself and being absolutely crazy but I guess we have to decide who's on what side of the line by using our judgement and the outlines that society has provided us with.

Monday, May 2, 2011


When I think of the word "together" a million images flash before my eyes. These images are of my life and the people that I have spent the days of my life with. The memories that I remember the most and cherish the most are always with my family and friends. My family will always be a part of my life, whether I like it or not. You cannot choose your family but I am more than happy with mine and I cherish every moment I have with them. Family is one aspect of my life that is constant and I know that no matter what the situation, I can always go to the members of my family for help or advice. My friends have also played a major role in my life. I look back at the greatest moments of my life that I will never forget and my friends are always present in those memories. Friends bring together social moments that shape people, especially young adults. I rely on my friends for advice and a good time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Save the Earth, Do this!

As we take a look around the world today, the citizens of the world are attempting to save the Earth. Consumers and producers alike are trying to reduce the waste and pollution on the planet and they are trying to increase recycling and reusing just about everything that can be reused or recycled. There is a huge problem though...not enough people care about the Earth enough to go out and buy organic food, recycled materials, or environmentally friendly products. The efforts of some individuals to save the Earth are great but they are not enough to save the entire planet before pollution and waste take over. Hopefully in the near future, there will be laws passed that will require both producers and consumers to change their lifestyles in order to accomadate the Earth's needs. If everyone put in a little bit of effort everyday, by recycling or using reusable bags, that would make an enormous positive impact on the well being of the planet.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Invisible. Who is invisible? I feel as if people will be invisible until they step out into the world and are self aware of themselves and have confidence in their existence. Now, there are shy people who do not go running around town expressing their feelings, but that does not mean that they are invisible. Invisibility to me means that one does not even believe in one's self and their own ideas. People have to accept themselves for who they are, unless of course they are a danger to themselves or society. There is always room for change in someone but the only reason for change should be wanting to change for yourself, not for someone else or society because that shows a weakness that many people exhibit as they live their lives. Acceptance is one key element of life that I feel is missing in society. How many times a day do people shun one another because of their race, religion, clothing, sexual orientation, music choice, etc.? The answer to that is too many times a day. If people accepted one another, self expression would be more evident and people wouldn't be ashamed of who they truly are.